Can also be used on a variety of gels!
Even if you mix in any gel OK!
'Beautifuller UV/LED coloring' can be mixed with resin and gel,
It can be mixed with most gels regardless of the kinds of gels,
clear gels, builder gels, base gels, top gels, color gels and so on.
Miracle of one drop!
High density, one drop for 10 finger covers!
'Beautifuller UV/LED Coloring' is 10ml
capacity and high concentration makes it possible to use
enough colors to colorize even a small amount.
Make color gels of various colors!
Depending on the amount, you can
change the density to produce
the desired color!
Depending on the amount,
you can change the density to produce the desired color.
A small amount of color can be expressed,
and a color gel of several colors can be made with one 10ml coloring agent.